12033 Dorsett Road, Saint Louis, MO 63043
314-344-1133 | info@steinwaypianogallery.com
St. Louis area's exclusive representative of Roland Home Digital Pianos

About Us
Steinway Piano Gallery principals David Slan and Gerry Malzone have represented Steinway pianos for nearly three decades. Steinway & Sons has honored our dealership with their international award for customer service excellence. Most members of our staff have represented Steinway for over ten years. And our purchasing power allows us to provide the area’s largest selection of fine quality pianos at every price point. Steinway Piano Gallery is the exclusive piano supplier to many of the area’s important performance venues, and discerning pianists throughout the region. We are committed to continuing our tradition of quality, selection, service, and value in the St. Louis metro area.
12033 Dorsett Road
(three blocks east of I-270)
St. Louis, MO 63043
Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sunday 12 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Evenings by appointment